Dear Fellow Athlete,
Several years ago I was just like you…
I was an aspiring basketball player and having moderate success. I wasn’t my teams go-to-guy or the one that they gave the ball to late in the game. But I was pretty good.
After my freshman season I was faced with one of the most important decision on my basketball life…
I could either get SERIOUS about becoming the best possible basketball player I could be and doing everything I could to reach my full potential…
I could keep doing what I was doing and most likely keep being the 3rd or 4th option on my team.
I chose to take the easy way out. I slacked off and continued to get little results.
Fast forward to today…I am a little older and no longer in competitive basketball. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t wish I could go back to my younger days and compete in sports again. And almost everyday I sit around and ask myself… What If?
What if…I would have trained hard?
What if…I would have gotten serious about my game?
What if…I would have committed myself to becoming the best basketball player I could be?
What if…I would have chosen to dedicate myself to reaching my full athletic potential?
There is nothing worse then asking yourself the dreaded…”WHAT IF” question!
Could I have gotten more respect from my teammates and my coaches?
Could I have been my teams leading scorer?
Could I have lead my team to a State Title?
Could I have made a difference at the College level?
Could I have made it to the Pros? (your never know)
The tough part is that I will never know the answers to these questions! And that is not a good feeling!
You only get one chance and I didn’t take full advantage of mine.
I wish I could go back and work on my game so much harder than I did and see what I could have done with my abilities.
YOU have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to put everything you have into your game and work your tail off to be the best you can be. I wish I could relive the opportunity you have right now because you only get ONE shot at it!
Your opportunity to do AMAZING things is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! It is an incredible opportunity you have. Take advantage of it TODAY because…
I DON’T want you to have regrets latter in life!
And here is the good news… I Want To Help YOU Reach Your Full Athletic Potential and Be The Best Player You Can Be!
It bothers me that I wasted my own opportunity to become a star player that had all the recruiters drooling over me. But instead of sitting around and feeling sorry for myself (what good would that do!) I decided that I would do everything I could do to make sure other athletes didn’t end up in the same situation as me.
So I dedicated myself to helping athletes reach their full athletic potential by giving them the proper training to achieve it. When it comes to basketball it is no secrets that having a huge vertical leap is one of the most important athletic skills you can posses.
I mean, just think about it. If you can jump higher than your opponent it allows you to get your jump shot off, grab rebounds, block shots…
And of course, be able to throw it down and get the crowd going crazy! (c’mon, who doesn’t dream of doing that!)
With that in mind I set out to compile the most effective and gravity defying vertical jump program possible. I researched tons of different programs, browsed research articles, looked through training charts, analyzed what worked and what didn’t and after months of research I came to a startling conclusion… The 3 Biggest Mistakes Athletes Make With Their Vertical Jump Training…
There were 3 main problems I continually saw when I looked at the training most athletes were using in their vertical jump training…and these mistakes were absolutely killing their results!
The first mistake I saw was that athletes were only focusing on the large muscles involved in jumping. It’s no secret that you need to be working on your quads and calves…but by only focusing on a couple muscles you will never reach your full jumping potential. It just won’t happen!
You will hit a plateau and your vertical will go stagnate. To break through this plateau and take your vertical above it you MUST target all the muscles that are critical for jumping. When you do, you are then able to squeak out those extra inches that can be a real difference maker.
The second mistake I continually saw with athletes vertical jump training was that they were training in the incorrect "mode”. This is a huge problem because even when some of the athletes were using the correct exercises, they were still getting lackluster results. But when I looked at their workout it was clear the problem was that they were not training in the proper mode.
See, when you train you are either working your muscle endurance or you are working your muscle explosiveness. Now muscle endurance is great if you are a long distance runner but not very helpful if you are looking to increase your vertical jump. To increase your vertical jump you need muscle explosiveness.
Think about this…Do you want to be able to jump continuously for 20 minutes or do you want to be able to explode off the ground quickly and high? Then you need to focus on muscle explosiveness and kick that muscle endurance training to the curb!
Let me put it another way…Does a long distance runner train by running sprints…NO! Does a sprinter train by running 20 miles everyday…NO! A long distance runner needs muscle endurance and a sprinter needs muscle explosiveness.
But more importantly..A basketball player looking to increase their vertical jump MUST train for muscle explosiveness.
The third mistake I found was the biggest mistake of all and the biggest cause of minimal vertical jump gains. When it comes to vertical jump training there are 3 main training styles..Plyometrics, Weight Lifting, and Jumping Exercises. Each of these training styles is effective to a certain degree.
But here is the problem…most athletes use only ONE of these training styles. If you only use one then you are only going to get minimal gains! In order to get maximum gains you need to incorporate all 3 methods of training into one single workout.
You need to take the most effective exercises from each training method and combine them into one easy to follow program. This way you get the benefits of each training method and maximum results.
So those are the 3 big mistakes that athletes make with their vertical jump training. Avoid these 3 mistakes in your training and you are on your way to a massive vertical jump.
OK, so I am sure right now you are thinking…"That sounds great but HOW do I design a workout program based around what you just taught me?”
Here is the best part… I Did It For YOU!
After uncovering the main mistakes that were holding athletes back in their vertical jump training, I decided to see what would happen if designed a program that targeted all muscles involved in jumping, trained those muscles in the proper mode (explosiveness), and incorporated all 3 vertical jump training methods.
So I designed the program and gave it to a small test group of athletes and had them report back to me about their progress. The results were staggering!
One athlete added 5 inches in the first 4 weeks!
Another athlete added 12 inches in the first 8 weeks!
Several were able to dunk for the first time!
Of course, after these results, word started getting out about the program and more and more athletes wanted to use it. So I decided to open it up for everyone because I am dedicated to helping as many athletes reach their full athletic potential as I can. So if you are ready to take your vertical to the next level and take you game to the next level…
Get Your Hands On The Exact Same Workout Plan That Has Literally Skyrocketed My Athletes Verticals To New Levels…
The Vertical Explosion Training Program
The techniques exposed in this guide are proven to increase your jumping ability to new levels. This is not some beginner program. This is an advanced vertical jumping training program.
Let me give it to you straight….
Over 3,100 Athletes Can’t Be Wrong!
My name is Kurt Howard and I have helped over 3,100 athletes finally start training their vertical jump the RIGHT WAY and getting the results they have so desperately wanted (you will see some of their amazing results on this page).
My vertical jump training system has been seen on such sites as,,, and…just to name a few.
I do not mention all of this to brag, but instead to show you that my system for training and increasing vertical jump height is proven and effective. I have helped athletes all across the world from the US to Australia.
So if you are completely feed up with your current results then I urge you to read on and learn more about my game changing program. It Doesn’t Matter What Your Vertical Is Now. Our Program WILL Help You Jump Higher…I Guarantee It!
Imagine the look on your friends’ faces when they hit you with an outlet pass and instead of laying it in…you rise up and throw in down with authority!
Imagine being the go-to-guy on your team that your coach trusts with the ball in crunch time!
Imagine having recruiters dying to get YOU to come play for them!
If that gets you excited…then you need to order our Vertical Explosion Training Program now.
What Exactly Is the Vertical Explosion Training Program?
Read more and Order