The government wants to "ban the manufacture, sale, & possession" of handguns & semi-automatic weapons & restrict your 2nd amendment rights. You need to Act Now while you still have an opportunity- Save 30% on Gun & Ammo! Make Extra Money from Home as well!
My guide walks you through the entire process the ATF uses to determine whether you will be approved or not. This way you have a chance to correct any issues BEFORE you submit your application. Save time and money!
"Why do I need a Home Based FFL Kit?"
- You probably already know this, but in case you don't, it's because Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers pay less for firearms. A lot less- 30% less.
- That means instead of paying almost $1200 retail for a Bushmaster AR-15 M4, you'll only pay a little over $800! Instead of paying $1250 for a Smith & Wesson 500, you'll get it for only $800 and change! - That's thousands of dollars - serious cash - we're talking about You Saving! But that's not'll never pay FFL transfer fees! Why wouldn't you want to skip the middle man and save hundreds of dollars?
- You probably also know that Obama is planning on making the playing field harder. Obama is on record as favoring more gun control. Among many other things he has said is: "...just because you have an individual right [to bear arms] does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right..."
He hasn't started screwing things up for us yet, because he's too busy with other things, but if he does what he says he's going to do, trouble is coming our way, and if you want to get an FFL, you need to act now!
- If you act now, you'll be grandfathered in, but if you don't act now, you may never have another chance.
Getting your license can be so complicated that most people just give up and go back to paying thousands of extra dollars just to avoid the hassle. There are laws to learn and forms to fill out and Obama's ATF to deal with. Chances are if you don't know exactly what to do, you're not going to get an FFL.
You need help
Here's the problem...if you buy a kit from some corporation or fly-by-night operation who hasn't even gone through the process, you're not going to be any closer to getting your FFL, because they don't know any more than you do. All you'll get is a package of the same paperwork you can get yourself for free.
Plus, the requirements change every year, and if you happen to see "updated for 2009," it means they're a year behind, and it might as well be "updated for 1896" for all the good it'll do you.
You absolutely need to get help from someone who has recently and successfully become a Home-based Federal Firearms License gun dealer. They're the only ones who can prove they know what they're talking about. Why does it need to be from a home-based FFL? Because there are a few tricks that the ATF doesn't reveal to anyone what kind of questions are they going to ask you in the interview or on the application? And how should you answer those questions?
You need help from someone who has recently and successfully become a Home-based Federal Firearms License dealer
To make a long story short, you need a Home Based FFL License kit because...
You'll save hundreds of dollars!
If you don't act now, you may never get another chance!
You need help from someone with real experience in getting a Home Based FFL, or you won't get one!
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