Do not missout on getting a FFL. With our current administration in WASHINGTON This is likely to be a turning point in our industry. Its almost certain there will be changes that will effect you in getting your ffl. Our law makers are CURRENTLY working on a BATFE Moterization Act that will effect changes in the ATF. If approved the ease of getting a FFL may be severly effected.We simply do not know when and how FFLs Holders will be effected. YOUR WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY IS CLOSING FAST! IF YOU GET YOUR FFL NOW! BEFORE ANY POLICY CHANGES ITS LIKELY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP IT BY BECOMING GRANDFATHERED. IF NOT YOU MAY NEVER BE AFFORDED THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET AN FFL. DO NOT WAIT TO FIND OUT AS IT MAY BE TOO LATE THEN. GET YOUR FFL NOW!!!
From: Rodney Davis
Owner Davis Custom Firearms
Dear Gun Owner,
Davis Custom Firearms, provides up to date FFL Licensing information unlike any other source. Here we will detail exactly what you will get. Also we will detail the benefits of our exclusive FFL Kit. We Specialize in Federal Firearms License Help. Were not a fly by night pharmacist, ebook publisher with little or NO experience dealing twith the ATF we are the experts. No one online has as much experience in this field and helping others as we do.
If you have ever purchased Firearms through the Internet or Mail Order, you are aware of the transfer fees most Dealers charge to accept a Firearm, conduct a background check and deliver the firearm to you. I know because I am a Federal Licensed Firearms Dealer. Most of us charge a standard fee ranging from $15.00 to $50.00 and sometimes more. If you purchase just a few firearms a year you can save by Obtaining Your FFL TM. Just think of the cost savings alone of buying a low wholesale prices and then your opportunity to resell to others for profit.
Being in the Firearms Business 12+ Years we know the ins and outs of getting and maintaining a FFL. I have helped several individuals obtain a FFL license. Most of these individuals even obtained a FFL license and work out of their OWN HOME. Yes you heard right. They operate out of their homes. Unlike others, we will assist in answering you questions after the purchase of this kit. We even one on one CONSULATATION via out support system. You may see our kit sold on other sites. Well don't settle for copies of our kit when you can get the original and updated for . If you are going to purchase FFL kits elsewhere, please make sure they have a FFL. Most do not. Again we know from experience what it takes. We keep our FFL Kit updated throughout the year. As we learn of changes, we update our FFL Mega Site. Also note some sellers claim to know the fact they are really just a internet marketing company trying to create an illusion they are ffl experts when in fact they may have less than a years experience as a ffl holder. There is no way they know the ins and outs. Those sites need to stick to thier expertise wheather selling books, ebay, internet pharmacy or what ever that may be. You deserve REAL experience helping you get your ffl and we are the original FFL Kit for a reason.
Do not miss your opportunity to be a gun dealer. With the current Washington Administration in office we are always uncertain of what new legislation will be passed in regards to gun dealers. What if future home FFL's are banned. Likely existing dealers would be grandfathered in the new legisalation and protected. This is a very good reason to become a gun dealer NOW! A BATFE Moterization Act is being worked on in Washington now. You still have time to get a FFL!
So Are You Ready to Buy Guns Wholesale - And Is It Legal!
The Gun Control Act (18 U.S.C. sec. 923(d)) empowers the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms the ability to regulate businesses engaging in firearms sales and service. There are a lot of rules and regulations that our kit details, that you will need to know. It is really not too difficult to obtain a FFL, and the ATF will approve an application if the applicant:
- Is 21 years or more of age;
- Is not prohibited from shipping, transporting, receiving or possessing firearms or ammunition;
- Has not willfully violated the GCA (Gun Control Act) or its regulations;
- Has not willfully failed to disclose material information or willfully made false statements concerning material facts in connection with his application;
- Has premises (which in many cases can be your home) for conducting business or collecting for C&R; and the applicant certifies that:
- the business to be conducted under the license is not prohibited by State or local law in the place where the licensed premise is located;
- within 30 days after the application is approved the business will comply with the requirements of State and local law applicable to the conduct of the business;
- the business will not be conducted under the license until the requirements of State and local law applicable to the business have been met; and,
- the applicant has sent or delivered a form to the chief law enforcement officer where the premises are located notifying the officer that the applicant intends to apply for a license.
- secure gun storage or safety devices will be available at any place in which firearms are sold under the license to persons who are not licensees ("secure gun storage or safety" defined in 18 U.S.C. 921 (a) (34)
We provide you with the information you need to apply right the first time. We have held 4 FFL Licenses out of various residences in different cities. There is a lot of Myth's out that state you cannot sell out of your home. This is not totally true. Although some cities and state codes and ordinances prohibit home based businesses, there are a lot of times you can sell from your residence. If you cannot, we provide simple tips and solutions on how to still get a Federal Firearms License utilizing other places to conduct business.
No one can guarantee your application is going to be accepted, but I can tell you if you have not applied before, a simple mistake could get your application denied or delayed. We give a simple step by step plan to help you apply right.
Most files are in the award winning .pdf format and .html for ease of viewing. We also have included a download in our kit for the Award Winning FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You will not Get Your FFL Overnight. And no, a License is Not Free.
First off, this kit, if followed and utilized can help you avoid costly delays and possibly being denied a license.
The Fee for a Type 1 Dealer License is $200.00 for the first 3 years. Renewal of your license is the $90.00 for each additional 3 years after that.
You also are looking at least 6 weeks for your application to be reviewed and processed by the ATF. This is a short time frame for the ATF. It can take up to 8-12 weeks in some cases. You would appreciate the care our ATF officials take in review of each application.
We have several satisfied customers that have Obtained Their Federal Firearms License.
This Kit Contains everything You Need.
Contents are as follows:
A Quick Start Guide, with step by step instructions for completing the application.
A detailed instructional Guide, updated for 2011, with everything you need to know.
A comprehensive file for BATF field offices, including phone numbers. You will need this. A direct link to the BATF website firearms section. Application with instructions - 2 yellow forms, 1 white form (provide via online order form) Detailed analysis of the Laws Governing Gun Dealers in the U.S., including copies of relevant statutes, regulations, and BATF interpretations. An actual ATF Book will be sent Covering all 50 states. BATF-Approved Acquisitions & Dispositions Book (to log your gun sales). You are required to have one of these, and it costs $8-10 by itself elsewhere (download version includes all the pages for you to print, and you can get it bound at Kinko's, Staples, Office Max, or Office Depot for about $2 to $3). An extensive chapter devoted to Day to Day Operational Issues, a Summary of Record Keeping Requirements, and current copies of relevant forms, where available. A list of firearms that qualify as Curios or Relics. (This comes from the BATF if you choose we get the information sent directly to you.) A list of our favorite wholesalers - this alone is worth more than the cost of the kit Full version software to allow you to accept checks via fax, phone or online--a $30 value Exclusive merchant account information for credit card acceptance Information about how to build your own online business, including secure server hosting information so you can take credit cards The required yellow BATF Wall Sign. Another item that is easy to forget but that can burn you if you don't comply. (Copy On Yellow Paper) Full Access to our FFL Applicant Mega Site, an Internet site dedicated to providing you with links to every important piece of information on the Internet related to becoming or doing business as a gun dealer in the United States. AND NOT OFFERED ELSEWHERE, Access to GUNSMITH Information Section. Save hundreds, even thousands on parts. Learn what schools are worth attending and which are just going to take you for a ride. Free Direct Order Link to receive Hard copies of books from the ATF. And at last we offer you Free Access to our FFL Bulletin Board to discuss FFL Issues, exchange information about wholesales and several other topics including a FFL Help Q&A Section. NEW ATF How-To Guides that walk you through transactions and various scenarios you will encounter as a FFL Holder. New NICS FBI Info Not Included Elsewhere Added Detailed C&R Licensing Requirements. If you cannot get your FFL we show you how to get a C&R License from the ATF.
- All Above in electronic format.
I wish everyday I had this information before I applied. This is why we have developed this kit. We want to help you in your quest to Obtain Your Federal Firearms License TM.
Even if you choose to buy your information elsewhere, please do your self a favor and ask if the seller of similar information, "Are you a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer or Have you EVER Been". And to prove it supply you a copy of their license for you to view. We want you to have accurate information, not what someone THINKS it takes to Get A Federal Firearms License TM. Would you let a car salesman do surgery on you? Well do not be fooled by publishers of FFL information who are not FFL holders or that NEVER been. We are committed to customer service and that will be happy to help you if there is any problem with your purchase.
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