The reason we decided to develop this program began with one particular event several years ago. A company that was courting our business invited us out for dinner to discuss some business opportunities. During the dinner, this person had horrible table manners. He picked his teeth, talked with his mouth full, slurped his soup, and even yelled at the waitress when an order didn’t go correctly. Joanne and I left that dinner with a real distaste for this person and also his business proposition. Needless to say, we decided not to pursue the opportunity.
After that horrible evening, we started to think...
How much money is left on the table due to dining etiquette problems?
Our guess is ... A LOT.
Over the years, as we have trained and coached people on proper business etiquette, we have always focused on dining etiquette first. Dining Etiquette requires a certain level of knowledge and detailed attention to be implemented. Once you are successful at that, you can apply the same techniques for everything else to make you look really polished and professional.
Joanne and I have spent years perfecting the material inside this Dining For Success program. We have created a base amount of information to teach you the basics, but then have added more and more content as people have asked us aditional questions and as we've seen more mistakes out there.