What Are The Root Causes Of The Global Economic Crisis, Why Has It Happened, Where Is It Headed And Most Importantly…
What Can You Do To Protect Youself, Your Family And Friends?
As the former Chairman of the Department of History at John F. Kennedy University and as a senior credit officer for two California banks: one in the San Francisco Bay Area, the other in Beverly Hills, I has been no stranger to the world of international finance. I’m was also the co-founder of a Los Angeles based business management company, where, as a registered investment advisor, I oversaw the financial and investment matters of some of the biggest names in Hollywood.
What we have is a coup d’état.
No, I’m not talking about Honduras. I’m talking about Wall Street, London, and Basel, Switzerland, and the fact that we are in the midst of a global financial coup instigated by a Clockwork Orange gang of international bankers.
The economic bloodletting has abated for now—at least the media’s promotion of it has. In its place the media fawns on the very people who caused this crisis as they move forward to secure total, global economic control. The carefully orchestrated spin is now designed to create acceptance of their ‘restructuring’ of the international financial system in order to ensure this can never happen again.
Yes, I know, it sounds like an outtake from Conspiracy Theory, but I’m not Mel Gibson and you’re not Julia Roberts. And this is not a screenplay.
But, whether or not you accept the idea that the financial crisis was created for the purpose of replacing the United States and the U.S. dollar as the stable point in international finance with a global financial dictator and a new world currency, this scenario—set forth in my book—is now in full swing.