As Busy Mom ExpertsTM, we have had decades of experience in the all-important
role of Busy Mom!
We’ve been through the days – and nights – of feeling:
Nothing but being overwhelmed
Inadequate as a mom
Intimidated by images and notions of the ‘perfect’ mom
Physical and mental exhaustion
Like we just can’t get through to our children
Like we’re losing touch of who we are
Like we just can’t keep up with the endless tasks
Like we’re drifting from our spouse because of all the work
Like our needs always come last
In other words, wherever you are right now in your journey as a Busy Mom, we have been there!
And we offer you practical and expert advice as Busy Moms to help you transform your life and create the home you want – starting today!
It’s all thanks to our exciting, advice-filled e-book, "Busy Moms: The Heart and Soul of a Home”!
Our e-book is based upon endless personal experiences we have both had as moms – and the experiences of many other moms we know!