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Get Organized Now!
2011-05-12, 1:30 PM


Where does the time go?
Dear friend, Do you find that you’ve always got too much to do and not enough time to do it? Do you feel like you are always under pressure to get things done? Do you wish you had more time to spend with your family? Do you wish you could spend more time on the things that you ‘love’ to do rather than the things you ‘have’ to do? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are not alone. We have all been there. We all have just 24 hours in each day. You can’t get any more time. How you spend those 24 hours has a big impact on the quality of life you will have. So it’s important that you spend that time wisely. Have you ever wondered why some people are able to get everything done quickly and easily? They seem to always have plenty of time to spend with their families or the things they love. How do they do it?
What would you do with an extra dayin your week -- extra weeks in your year?There are slow and difficult ways to get things done and there are fast and easy ways to get the same things done. Use the fast and easy ways and you naturally save time. That’s found time that can be spent doing the things you LOVE. It’s a matter of using the best time saving tips and systems to ensure you gain control of your precious time. If you save 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there and 30 minutes someplace else, you’ve found an entire extra hour to spend however you wish. Those extra minutes and hours add up quickly when you know the right time-saving tips and tools. Before you know it those extra hours will easily add up to days and even weeks of extra time in your life. Just think what that would do for the quality of your life.
What qualifies me to save you time? 
As a manager for the firm Nielsen Media Research in New York for 10 years, I had to be in control of my time as well as my staffs’ time. We had stiff deadlines to meet -- every day. And we never missed a deadline. After I left the corporate world in 1995, I started a business as a hands-on organizing professional. It was my job to help clients organize their homes, their businesses and their lives. A large part of that process was helping my clients gain control of their time. I use these same time-saving tips to manage my time Today, in addition to running our home business with my husband, I also care for my school-age daughter who is involved in many extracurricular activities. As any mother can tell you there is a long list of responsibilities associated with raising a child. I also serve as president of our home and school association which calls for helping to plan and implement dozens of fund raisers each year. I also help out at our church and participate in a number of local organizations. In addition, as a professional author I have created 8 organizing books and products over the past few years. Even with the above responsibilities I still have plenty of time to spend with my husband and daughter and our friends. We have time for annual vacations as well as weekend trips, etc. We play games, watch our favorite TV programs together and take relaxing walks. Now, I’m not saying that I’m the busiest person in the world, because I am not. There are tens of thousands of other men and woman who have much busier schedules than I do. Just thinking about Martha Stuart or Oprah makes my head spin. The point I’m making is that the only way anyone can effectively accomplish everything on a busy schedule and still have plenty of time for family, friends and the things you love, is by gaining control over your daily time. And the only way you can do that without ending up frazzled and exhausted, is by applying lots of easy, time- saving tips and tricks. My best time-saving tips can now be yours As an organizing expert I have spent the past 20+ years researching the very best time savers and productivity methods available. It is with these types of tips and tools that I am able to accomplish what I must every week and still find the time for the things I love. And now those same tips and tools are available to you in my new time-saving book "501 Tips & Ideas for Finding More Time.”
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