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Open Your Third Eye
2011-05-09, 7:47 PM

"This Never Before Revealed Secret

Opens Your Third Eye

In the Privacy Of Your Home"
"Unleash The Secret Techniques, Simple Strategies and Ancient Wisdom That Took Me 30 Years To Learn And Hand Them Over To You In One Simple Handbook- This is A Complete And Proven Mystical Package Put Together For Modern Times!"

I Have Already Been Criticized For Giving Away Too Much Information At Once...
Please Read This Letter Very Carefull

May 9, 2011

From:Theodore von Kiedrowski
Opening Your Third Eye

Recently, I received a phone call from a middle aged businessman who had studied yoga and meditation for almost 20 years with a very interesting proposition.

He wanted to know if I would like to do a workshop where I would teach beyond anything I have ever done publicly before. Basically, he wanted me to teach a normal group of average people, as much as I could about opening up the third eye, in only 8 hours!

The truth is that is not unusual. What was unusual, is that the man actually wanted me to teach in such a way, that people would get relevant information, but also learn things that would actually open their 3rd eye!

Hmmmm... interesting. In effect he wanted me to spill the beans and actually teach them real things...that work!

Well, I always rise to a challenge. I immediately started thinking of what I could do and how I could do it. It wasn't easy and you will soon see why.

How could I condense 30 years of information into only 8 hours?

The Truth is, I didn't!

It turned into just over 4 hours of cut-to-the-bone, nitty gritty details of how to 'actually' 'Open The Third Eye'.

Now, I am a very responsible and safety orientated teacher. I will not allow my esoteric students to become injured or placed in harms way, and so, to respond to this mans challenge, was a very interesting proposition for me.

You and I know, that people are attracted to the esoteric, mystical and spiritual for all kinds of different reasons. Some people feel inadequate, and want to feel good about themselves. Some people are more robust and want to find answers to age old questions. So showing a room full of people how to open up their third eye and have them experience the consequences of that...I did not take lightly.

I thought about it long and hard. You see I studied in schools and from gurus that kept secrets. I studied things in my teens, that most people interested in the mystical side of life only question in their late thirties.

However, I decided to give them an actual secret, and show them exactly what to do, and leave it up to them! If they chose to use the method I showed them...then within a short period of time, they would notice significant changes! With continued practice and patience, within a few weeks they could experience for themselves, amazing things about themselves and life itself.

So I decided I would simply outline what I thought the most important parts of the process are in order to open a persons third eye, safely and successfully. I gave them enough secrets and they got on with it!

The result was nothing less than a huge success. Many of the people who attended the seminar were emailing me, and telling me how this information would change their perspective and their life.

The Good News Is...During my live and interactive presentation, I recorded all commentaries and
later transcribed all the key and relevant points.

Now you too can get this informationwhich people are raving over at a fraction of the cost of the workshop.

First Things First - Why Should You Even Listen To Me?

Let's face it, if you are going to learn from someone, you have to know if they really know what they are talking about. It is only common sense.

I am not the most famous mystic on the 'net- but many people have heard of me. You will hear more of me as time goes on. The world needs people to pump positivity into it and I am one of those people. Anyway back to the 3rd eye.

Let Me Tell You My 'Mystical Apprenticeship'

My name is Theodore von Kiedrowski, and I have had an unusual childhood. I spent many years away from my family, due to a critical illness that saw me hospitalised and bed ridden for many years. When others were learning about 'playing outside', I would ask questions such as...why am I here? What is the meaning of my life...Is there anything more? Naturally such questions lead to further inquiry.

I Suffered The Misery Of Knowing There Was More-
But Not Knowing How To Grasp It Or Access It!

By the time I was 13, I recognised the value of meditation and a greater awareness of the psychic world. I studied many books, with their origins in India, China, Japan and Egypt. I read the Bible, Koran, the Torah & works around the Kabbalah.

My mind became a walking library of facts, and I became a student of various schools. In the early seventies, as a young teenager I would perform Hatha Yoga with Richard Hittleman, read books by Lobsang Rampa...and my interest in the esoteric arts grew.

By the time I was 20 years old, I had gone from Transcendental Meditation through to raising the Kundalini. I experienced many psychic phenomena - including Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Astral Travelling and more. By the time I was 22 years old, I had raised the Kundalini through the third eye and up into the Crown Chakra. I must admit, I gave up a great deal in my pursuit for truth and answers to the age old questions.

I followed teachers and teachings from Sivananda, Vivekananda, Ramana Mahrashi, the Mahareeshi Mahesh Yogi, Sai Baba, and sought advice from scholars orientated towards Philosophy and Theosophy. I joined occult schools, and spiritual schools alike. I was relentless, because I knew that there is more to life than 'just getting through'.

I knew that I had a gift - and that I had secrets to share...

"I Thought I Had To Keep The Secrets For 'Those Special People'...
How Wrong I Was!"

In my mid-twenties, I met a spiritual teacher that was so down to earth, that meeting him changed my life. He asked me a simple question, 'Theo, why do you think it is so difficult for people to learn about the subtle world that surrounds them?'

I gave him several answers, and each time he laughed and said "Try again!" Eventually he smiled and said, "The human mind feels important when it thinks it knows things. The more it knows, the more important it feels". Then he said something,... something which went straight to my heart.

"The Intelligence behind the creation, is simple - not complicated.
People including mystics, hide behind so called 'knowledge'.
The Intelligence behind the universe, knows how to get things done.
The secret is being simple - yet not stupid.
Most mystics and spiritual teachers are too busy protecting their own interests,
either deliberately or unconsciously.

The secret, Theo, is knowing how to be Intelligently Simple".

'The Secret is knowing how to be Intelligently Simple'

I have meditated for over 40,000 hours and still gone to University, have full time employment and live the life of a normal human being. I am grateful to all those who have taught me, but I am clear about about two things.

  • There are easy ways to do things, and then.....there are more difficult ways.
  • People will do the harder way, when they don't know the easier way - I did!

People will do the harder way...
When they don't know an easier way

  • Too many 'would-be teachers' either in person or in literature, imply that it is a slow process opening the third eye.
  • Many teach that it will require many months or even years to open your third eye.
  • Too many teach that you have to have been born with good karma, to learn about such things.
  • Too many teach danger around the subject...and frighten people from their inquiry.

I Have a Simple Message To All Those Who Believe Such Things...
You Are Mistaken...And I Can PROVE IT!

You CAN Open Up Your Third Eye Quickly

If you want to spend years wasting your time, click away now.
This is not for you.
However, if you are curious about what it would be like to open up your third eye, safely and quickly, then read on...

Your Third Eye CAN Be Opened In the Privacy Of Your Home
What is Required?

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