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Metabolic Cooking - Fat Loss Coobook
2011-05-08, 0:57 AM

From the kitchen of Karine Losier & Dave Ruel

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Dear friend,

My name is Karine, I'm the co-author of Metabolic Cooking, and also known as the "Lean Kitchen Queen”.

If you're reading this right now, that means one thing: you're on a mission to accelerate fat loss and get rid of your boring diet.

You've been there and done that. You've tried other diets in the past and have come to see less than stellar results, likely despite some of your best efforts.

You're also a busy person and you don't have time to spend hours in the kitchen to prepare your meals everyday.

Now you're looking for something else – something new, something fresh, and something that will actually work for a change. The good news is that you found me and I'm now here to help you!

As I think you’ve notice, I have a strong passion for food, fitness, and culinary adventures. That’s right, I’m like the Lara Croft of fat loss cooking! I’m a real kitchen glamour renegade.

I get excited about challenging the commonly used techniques that most chefs turn to while seeking out healthier alternatives.


Because the truth is I'm not a chef at all – just a regular woman who decided to learn what it means to cook well in real life while staying lean at the same time!

I find it fascinating to challenge the 'professional' methods using my self-taught tricks and produce recipes that taste just as good, if not better than what these chefs can create.

You probably already know the person with whom I share my life: Dave Ruel.

Dave is one of the most respected and trusted fitness cooks in North America.

Dave has a large background in helping others achieve their goals, be it fat loss or muscle building, with his uncomplicated and revolutionary recipes and nutrition approach. Over the past few years, he has helped thousands of people reaching their goals.

When I first met Dave, he taught me how to cook healthy and stay lean at the same time, which is something that I struggled with in earlier times. After that, the rest was history. I fell in love with the man and the cooking. Food is not only the way to a man's heart, but a woman's as well!

I know what you're going to ask me next: "What’s the story behind Metabolic Cooking?"

Well, the truth is that I also have a Masters degree in psychology. I've had the opportunity to deal with a lot of people with weight problems and who struggle to lose body fat.

That makes me fully aware of all the psychological struggles that people face with regards to their eating habits and diets, thus I know the importance of good nutrition that tastes great, burns fat faster, and serves to motivate people to stick with their diet by challenging their commonly held psychological beliefs.

That's why I came back home from my office and told Dave I wanted to do something about it. I wanted to create new recipes that would make you torch the fat in record time.

Dave is simply unbeatable when it comes to designing creative recipes, and I know what people want, need and expect from nutrition and cooking. We're the perfect team to solve the problem most people have when it comes to losing body fat and feeling good about their body.

It’s how we decided to create Metabolic Cooking.

But when we started this project,



In fact, if you're someone who's been on a fat loss diet before and has used a variety of different weight loss cookbooks to try to lose body fat, then you very likely know by now that those fat loss diets and cookbooks don't work.

But why don't they work? What is it about them that makes it so difficult to see successful weight loss?

Let's take a look at the issues.

  • Recipes are not made from foods with a high Metabolic Thermo-Charge
  • No structure to make you burn more body fat
  • They don’t fight the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon

In other words:

Problem #1: These "healthy fat loss" cookbooks use the wrong ingredients.Rather than using ingredients that will actually help you fight fat, they use unhealthy ingredients that often encourage your body to store fat like margarine, high calorie dressings, or even SUGAR!. In short, their recipes aren't optimized for fat loss. Obviously not what you are looking for.


Problem #2: The second problem is that these cookbooks have no structure and are not organized to create qick and easy meal plans Often they're just a bunch of recipes put together – you pick and choose what you feel like at that point in the day. That is NOT going to make you burn fat faster!

Problem #3: Most of the time, you will end up eating the same un-metabolic foods over and over again, day after day. Doing so will contribute to slow down your metabolism to the point where you won’t be losing fat anymore.

So how does Metabolic Cooking change this?
For Further Information click here

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