Introducing Earth Power Energy System ? The Easy, Step-By-Step Guide To Slashing Your Home Electric Bill
Stop fretting over rising energy costs, and start generating your own power for free! That's not science fiction, although it may seem like it. As you've already seen, it's really just taking advantage of what's already there.
The great thing about this is that almost literally everybody on the planet wins when you convert to green energy.
First, you win big, because you dramatically slash your home energy costs. You'll be shocked at how little electricity you get from the grid in the long run. You'll pretty much Earth Power Energy System.
But you'll be helping the environment, too. You'll remove the drain of your house on the power grid, which will reduce the fossil fuel demand in your area, which will help save the environment.
By converting to clean green energy, you'll help save the planet and make a profit! What could get any better than that? The Earth Power Energy System guide shows you exactly how to do it, step by step. Here's a small sample of what you're going to get out of this:
Discover the "practical science" behind solar and wind power. Like I said before, you don't have to understand everything. But you'll probably know more about the science behind the good you're doing than anybody else in your neighborhood. |
You'll save hundreds of dollars a month and thousands a year. More on this in a minute, but just imagine not having that power bill arrive in the mail every single month. In fact, it's so inexpensive to set this up that it'll pay for itself many times over within a couple months at the outside. |
The instructions are so easy, a kid could do it. Really, this is shockingly simple to do. The step-by-step instructions and diagrams make it a snap to build everything you need and hook it up pronto. You don't need a college degree, and you don't even have to be particularly "handy". |
When you generate surplus energy... the power company will pay you! That's not a typo. When you put power back on the grid, after you've used all you want, the power company (in most areas) will pay you for that. In other words, your home power system can be another source of income for you! |
I'll tell you what you must do before anything else. If you don't know who to do first, your dream of running your house for free will flop. You absolutely must read's critically important. |
You'll discover where to find the cheapest parts and materials. You're going to be building your solar panels and windmills (stop worrying... it's amazingly easy), but nobody says you have to pay top dollar to do that! You can get everything you need for less than $200. I'll show you where and how. |
I'll hand you all you need to know about the "government" stuff. When you make improvements to your house, government wants to be sure you're following the rules. I'll tell you all about it, and give you the confidence that you've done it all right... and I'll even reveal some government rebates you can get for doing this. |
You're going to have a professional grade system when you're done. This isn't some rinky-dink junk guide. I'm going to show you how to build a power system that not only works like magic, but also looks great and complements your home. |
Want to go completely "off-grid"? I'll show you how. If you aren't drawing ANY power from the power company, you're essentially off-grid. That means rising energy costs won't even enter your mind. You can spend your precious time thinking about other stuff. |
This is the only guide you'll ever need to learn how you can run your house for free and scoff at your power company... except when they send you your paychecks for surplus energy. I'm so confident that this will slash your power bill, that I'll give you my...
From: Tom Cox
Dear Electric Bill Slave,
Energy prices are skyrocketing. I guess that's not news, but here's what most people don't know...
It's going to get worse. Much worse.
You see, our energy comes from fossil fuels ? oil, natural gas and coal. Have you see the prices of those things lately? They're scarce. We're running out. And prices are shooting to the moon. That means flipping the light switch in your living room is getting to be crazy costly, and it's going nowhere but up.
But I've got some good news...
The "Secret" Free Energy You've Been Missing
Last time you walked outside, did you notice anything? ENERGY! It's all around you in two forms:
The amazing thing is, even if you're not a crazy scientist or some kind of genius, you can harness the power of sunlight and wind in your own house. It's easy, and actually pretty simple to understand.
A Simple Technology That Lets You Run Your House For Free