Guide to Getting theTeaching Job of Your Dreams
Teacher Interview Questions, Resume and Cover Letter Help, and More!
Are you ready to find a teaching job?
You've finished college. You're done with your student teaching. Maybe you've been subbing, or maybe you're a teacher's aide. Now is the time to get the real, full-time teaching job you've been dreaming of.
The Guide to Getting the Teaching Job of Your Dreams was written by me (a veteran teacher and experienced teacher interviewer), to help you get the teaching job you've been dreaming of. I've worked in two different school districts and have many years of public school teaching experience. I've also been on many interview committees, where I've helped to seek out and hire the most qualified candidates.
I want your job search to go as smoothly as possible, so I wrote an eBook filled with tips, strategies, advice, and procedures that will help you find and land the teaching job that you've been searching for. I'm confident my eBook can help you.
What's in the book?
You'll learn everything you need to know about finding and
landing the teaching job you want.
Inside you'll find:
- The 50 Most Common Teacher Interview Questions and How to Answer Them
- Information, Tips, and Advice about the Teacher Interview Process
- What to Include on Your Teaching Resume
- Secrets to Making your Cover Letter stand out
- Sample Resume, Cover Letter, and Thank You Letter
- All About References and Letters of Recommendation
- Seven things you should avoid saying at an interview
- How to Prepare and Present your Teaching Portfolio
- Go inside the minds of two interviewers as they describe what an interview committee looks for, what they notice, and how to impress them.
- A candidate describes her struggles and successes throughout the job hunting process. She explains what worked and what didn't!
- And lots, lots, more!
It's a complete guidebook for student teacherswho are hunting for their first job, substitute teachersand teacher aideswho would like to advance their career to the next level, and experienced educatorswho are looking for a job at a new school.
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