Educational Products Basic Skills provides high quality educational products to help you evaluate your child's academic progress and prepare them for achievement testing. All products are shipped first class.
How to Ask Questions that Matter as the title suggests, is designed to teach you just that… how to ask questions that matter. Why is such a booklet necessary? Because the vast majority of text book publishers populate their tests with questions that frankly don’t matter.
Grammar Bytes is an alternative to the boring and seeming endless pages of most grammar books. Centered on the theme of inventions, this book is made up of twenty-one exercises, each comprised of three high-interest activities.
Achieving Peak Performance Available for grades 1-10 Designed to help your child do his or her best on standardized achievement tests, this test preparation tool will assist you in identifying learning objectives and mastering test preparation strategies.
ELO Quick Assessment Available for grades 1-6 How do I know that my child has learned all that he should for his grade level? The ELO (Essential Learning Objectives) Quick Assessment is an evaluation tool that is designed to fill the gap that achievement tests and other products may leave.
Essential Learning Objectives For grades K-8, this product lists the math and language arts learning objectives for each grade level.
Format Writing Straight forward and simple to use, Format Writing teaches the basic components of expository writing---content, style, organization, and mechanics.
Mastering Punctuation 1 A simple-to-use punctuation drill book for primary elementary students.
Mastering Punctuation 2 Mastering Punctuation Book 2 builds on the punctuation and capitalization rules that were introduced in the first book of this series. Suitable for students in grades four to six, students in junior and senior high will also benefit by a review of the rules that govern written expression.
Personal Finance Packet Complete this packet at home and fulfill either a full or 1/2 unit high school course requirement for Personal Finance.
Health Packet Complete this packet and study guide at home and fulfill either a full or 1/2 unit course requirement for high school Health.
Investigating Career Paths Ebook Complete this course at home and fulfill 1/2 unit of course requirements for high school career education.
Investigating Career Paths (Hard Copy) Without Textbook
Starting and Operating a Small Business: A Career Education Course Complete this course at home and earn 1/2 unit of credit to fulfill high school career education requirements.
The Best of the Winter Workshop MP3 CD A collection of the best teachings from over twenty years of home school workshops.